

*The Egyptian "J’ḥ", transliterated Iah (or Yah or Jah), was the word for "moon". Consequently it was used to refer to the lunar deities:

Usage of Yah (also Iah) in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.


CHAPTER II. "(col 1) THE CHAPTER OF COMING FORTH BY DAY, AND OF LIVING AFTER DEATH. Saith Osiris Ani: "Hail, Only One, shining from Yah (..the Moon..)! (col 2) Hail, Only One, shining from Yah (..the Moon..)! Grant that this Osiris Ani may come forth among the multitudes which are round about thee; (col 3) let him be established as a dweller among the shining ones; and let the underworld be opened unto him. And behold Osiris, (col 4) Osiris Ani shall come forth by day to do his will upon earth among the living."

See also

*Egyptian Book of the Dead

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