Ferenc Rófusz

Ferenc Rófusz

Ferenc Rófusz is a Academy-Award winner Hungarian animator.


Rófusz was born in 1946 in Budapest. His interest in animation and film making started relatively early. During his studies he took special drawing and animating courses. He started to work at the Hungarian film studio Mafilm as set designer, set painter and animator. In 1968 he joined Pannónia Filmstúdió and partnered Marcell Jankovics on the animation project "Gusztáv" "("Gustavus")". In 1974 he makes his first animated film "A kő" "("The Stone")", and six years later for "A Légy" "("The Fly")" he receives the 1981 Academy Award for Animated Short Film.

Hungary at the time was a Communist country and Rófusz himself was not allowed to leave the country to attend the Oscars. However, without his knowledge, somebody accepted the award for him during the show.

In the early 80's he releases two new animated films "Holtpont" "("Deadlock", Stuttgart - Special Prize of the Jury 1984)" and "Gravitáció" "("Gravity", OIAF Award, 1984)". In 1988 he moves to Canada, where he starts working at Nelvana. In 2002 he returns back to Hungary. Some of his recent works include "Tüzet szüntess!" "("Cease fire!", 2003)" and "A dog’s life" (2005).


* Olivier Cotte (2007) "Secrets of Oscar-winning animation: Behind the scenes of 13 classic short animations." (Making of '"The Fly") Focal Press. ISBN 978-0240520704

ee also

*PannóniaFilm (Hungarian animation studio)

External links

* [http://www.mediaguide.hu/pannoniafilm/story.html Pannóniafilm]
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0736537/ Ferenc Rófusz on IMDB]
* [http://www.cartoonbrew.com/shorts/the-fly-by-ferenc-rofusz "The Fly" at Cartoon Brew]

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