ERP may stand for:

* Effective radiated power, used in radio communications
* European Radio Project, a consortium of radio broadcasters working on a European public radio station.

* Economic Report of the President, published annually by the United States President's Council of Economic Advisors on recent economic activity and future policies and predictions.
* Effective rate of protection, a method of working out the value of import tariffs

* Erp, Ariège, a village in southern France
* Erp (Germany), a village near Cologne
* Erp (Netherlands), a town

;Information Technology (IT):
* Enterprise resource planning, an Information Technology term referring to a hardware or software system that serves all departments within an enterprise

* Effective Refractory Period, (Medicine- Cardiac electrophysiology)

* Event-related potential, an electrophysiological response to an internal or external stimulus

;Politics and history:
* Erp (Pict), a famous Pict
* Electronic Road Pricing, toll-collection scheme in Singapore
* Estonian Reform Party
* The Marshall Plan, the official name of which was the European Recovery Program.
* Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, a disambiguation page

* Evoked (response) potential: A psychology research method in which elecrical activity of the brain is measured via electrode recordings obtained from the scalp. The subject wears a 'cap' of electrodes.
* Exposure and response prevention, a psychotherapeutic method

* Erotic Role-playing, a sexual form of Role-playing

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  • ERP — 〈Abk. für engl.〉 European Recovery Program (Marshallplan) * * * I ERP,   Abk. für Enterprise Resource Planning. II ERP,   Abkürzung für European Recovery Program [jʊərə piːən rɪ kʌvərɪ prəʊɡrəm; …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Erp — ist eine Abkürzung für: Effective radiated power, die effektive Sendeleistung eines Senders plus Antennengewinn, siehe Effektive Strahlungsleistung Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, bewaffneter Arm der Revolutionären Arbeiterpartei Argentiniens …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ERP — ist eine Abkürzung für: Effective radiated power, die effektive Sendeleistung eines Senders plus Antennengewinn, siehe Effektive Strahlungsleistung Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, bewaffneter Arm der Revolutionären Arbeiterpartei Argentiniens …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • ERP — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ERP puede referir a: Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (Argentina) organización armada de la década de 1970 Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (Colombia) escisión del ELN. Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (El… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ERP — HUMAN RESOURCES abbreviation for employee referral program * * * ERP UK US noun [U] IT ► ABBREVIATION for ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING(Cf. ↑enterprise resource …   Financial and business terms

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