Acacia sieberiana

Acacia sieberiana

name = "Acacia sieberiana"
regnum = Plantae

image_width = 300px
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
subfamilia = Mimosoideae
genus = "Acacia"
species = "A. sieberiana"
binomial = "Acacia sieberiana"
binomial_authority = DC.
synonyms =
* "Acacia abyssinica sensu auct."
* "Acacia amboensis" Schinz
* "Acacia davyi sensu auct."
* "Acacia purpurascens" Vatke
* "Acacia sieberana" DC.
* "Acacia sieberiana" DC. subsp. "vermoesenii" (De Wild.)Troupin
* "Acacia vermoesenii" De Wild. [ ILDIS LegumeWeb] ]

"Acacia sieberiana" is a perennial tree native to Africa and introduced into Pakistan.Text] This tree grows 3–25 m in height, with a trunk diameter of 0.6–1.8 m. [ World Agroforestry Centre] ] Its uses include forage, medicine and wood. It is not listed as being a threatened species..]



Twine is made from the inside bark for stringing beads..] [ EcoTravel] ]


The gum is edible..]


The flowers of the tree make good forage for bees and bee hives are put directly in the trees for this..] The tree leaves sometimes contain chemical compounds that when ingested may release hydrogen cyanide and they can be lethal to cattle. They can be lifesaving during dry times of the year..]


The gum is used as food, an adhesive, and to make ink..]

Medicinal uses

In Africa, the bark or root is used to treat urinary tract inflammation..] The bark has astringent properties and it is used to treat colds, cough,.] and childhood fever..] According to the World AgroForestry Centre,

"A decoction of the root is taken as remedy for stomach-ache. The bark, leaves and gums are used to treat tapeworm, bilharzia, haemorrhage, orchitis, colds, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, kidney problems, syphilis, ophthalmia, rheumatism and disorders of the circulatory system. It is also used as an astringent. The pods serve as an emollient, and the roots for stomach-ache, acne, tapeworms, urethral problems, oedema and dropsy.".]

A decoction of the bark and thorns is effective against pain or as an analgestic (painkiller).

Nitrogen fixation

The tree fixes nitrogen, so it takes nitrogen gas out of the air and converts it into nitrogen fertilizer, from which surrounding crops benefit..]


Tannin is found in the bark and seed pods..]


The wood is fairly hard and it is used for furniture, handles for implements and tools for grinding..] The wood of "A. sieberiana sensu lato" has a density of about 655 kg/m³. [ FAO] ]

Botanical varieties

*"Acacia sieberiana" DC. var. "sieberiana"
*"Acacia sieberiana" DC. var. "woodii" (Burtt Davy)Keay & Brenan [ [ ILDIS List] ]



See also


External links

[ "Acacia sieberiana" Photos (Google Images)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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