

company_name = Komplett ASA
company_type = Public (ose|KOM)
foundation = 1998
company_slogan = The Obvious Choice
location_city = Sandefjord
location_country = Norway
key_people = Ole Vinje, CEO
industry = E-Commerce
revenue = increase 3,4 billion NOK (2007)
products = Komplett
homepage = [http://www.komplett.com www.komplett.com]

Komplett ASA (Oslo Stock Exchange Ticker: KOM) is a Norwegian e-commerce company with web shops in 7 countries in Europe. The larger part of their product assortment is computers and components, but have expanded to photo, Hi-Fi, TV, gaming and white goods.
Company headquarters are located in Sandefjord, Norway where the company was originally founded.
In addition to their Norwegian operations, Komplett is also running webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, and also distribution in Norway through the departments [http://www.norek.no Norek] and [http://www.itegra.no Itegra] .
Komplett has three call centers for sales and support in Sandefjord, Norway, Gothenburg, Sweden and Delft, Netherlands.
Komplett has three distribution centers and warehouses in Sandefjord, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden and Tilburg, Netherlands.

Company turnover in 2007 was 3,4 billion NOK along with 661 employees and 800.000 active customers


"1991" [http://www.norek.no Norek] established
"1996" Introdused the first web shop with [http://www.komplett.no Komplett.no]
"1999" Norkom established as the result of a merger between Komplett and Norek
"2000" Noted on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE). [http://www.komplett.se Komplett.se] established
"2001" First web shop outside of Scandinavia opened
"2003" New warehouse set up in Tilburg, Netherlands to supply the web shops in Western Europe
"2004" Introduced SAP as the new company ERP system
"2005" Introduced their own consumer finance solution
"2007" Bought the rights to the name of the new stadium for Sandefjord Fotball called Komplett.no Arena. In May 2007 they acquired their Swedish competitor inWarehouse AB and took control of their webshop [http://www.inwarehouse.se inWarehouse.se] , along with their concept stores in Stockholm and Malmo. In October 2007 Komplett ASA merged with Torp Computing Group ASA and took over the distributor [http://www.itegra.no Itegra AS] , and the web shops [http://www.mpx.no MPX.no] and [http://www.xd.no XD.no]
"2008" The web shops in UK, Germany, Austria and France was closed on June 24th at 10 a.m.
An additional warehouse of 14.000 m2 was opened adjacent to the existing distribution facilities in Sandefjord.
Opened the Irish web shop pick up point, local office and RMA department on the 1st of September to facilitate [http://www.komplett.ie Komplett.ie] customers.
The concept stores in Stockholm and Malmo was sold to Mac Support, effectively from October 1st, 2008.


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