Mandar Chathian

Mandar Chathian

Mandar Chatha is a village of Chatha clan near and North/West of Gujar Khan & South/East of Rawalpindi. They have been settled here for the last 200 years. Two of the brothers came from the village of Manchar Chatha to settle here.

One of the well known Chathas from there is Haji Subedar Mohammed Rashid Chatha and his nephew Haji Munir Ahmed Chatha is the first Naib Nazam of Union Council Changa Bangial with Nazam Jahanghir Pati.

The main big family is the seven clan the main contributors to Mandar Chattah [the sath karies] the two main persons from this clan Haji Mohammed Zafir & Mohammed Hafeez (UK) who devised of a plan to make a road on the west side of the village. With the help of Rajah Tokeer Ahmed Chattah and Asad Mamood and Mohammed Arshad (UK)& with the corporation of the mandar clan in UK and also Haji Munir chathah the first Naib Nazam who has achieved so much in such little time we could do with a lot more like him. So that their is easy access to the west side of the village.

Thanks to Haji Munir Ahmed Chatha (Naib Nazam) the village has made drastic improvements to the village roads and infastructure & also around the neighbouring villages too. He also built a bridge over the river on the south side of the village, at the time there were many critics about this project but so far this bridge has stood all that nature could throw at it. If all chatha's clan can stick together with unity then there could be a lot more done, Then what so far has been achieved.

We have 2 main clan's residing in Mandar,

1) Chatha 2) Pati's

on the north side of the village who also have helped and aided Chatha's in many projects, But the 2 clans have their differences too.

Most the Chatha's now reside in UK, Most of these can be found in West Yorkshire in the towns of Dewsbury & Batley, Also some Chatha's live in Slough near London and some live across other towns in UK.

The Chatha's living abroad have helped and aided in many projects in the village with schools, mosques, electricity, roads and bridges.

With unity a lot more can be done and will be but if all stuck with unity & brotherhood as in past the elders achieved.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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