Hilbert–Speiser theorem

Hilbert–Speiser theorem

In mathematics, the Hilbert–Speiser theorem is a result on cyclotomic fields, characterising those with a normal integral basis. More generally, it applies to any abelian extension "K" of the rational field "Q". The Kronecker–Weber theorem characterises such "K" as (up to isomorphism) the subfields of



"n" = "e"2π"i"/"n".

In abstract terms, the result states that "K" has a normal integral basis if and only if it tamely ramified over "Q". In concrete terms, this is the condition that it should be a subfield of


where "n" is a squarefree odd number. This result is named for David Hilbert [It is Satz 132 of Hilbert's "Zahlbericht"; see Franz Lemmermeyer, "Reciprocity Laws: From Euler to Eisenstein" (2000), p. 388.] and Andreas Speiser 1885-1970.

In cases where the theorem states that a normal integral basis does exist, such a basis may be constructed by means of Gaussian periods. For example if we take "n" a prime number "p" > 2,


has a normal integral basis consisting of the "p" − 1 "p"-th roots of unity other than 1. For a field "K" contained in it, the field trace can be used to construct such a basis in "K" also (see the article on Gaussian periods). Then in the case of "n" squarefree and odd,


is a compositum of subfields of this type for the primes "p" dividing "n" (this follows from a simple argument on ramification). This decomposition can be used to treat any of its subfields.


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