

In computer programming languages, TypeParameter is a frequently-used generic label used in templates to reference an unknown data type, data structure, or class. Templates are most frequently used in Java and C++. TypeParameter is similar to a metasyntactic variable (e.g., "foo" and "bar"), but distinct. It is not the name of a generic variable, but the name of a generic "type of variable".

The capitalization varies according to programming language and programmer preference. TypeParameter, Typeparameter, TYPEPARAMETER, typeparameter, and type_parameter are all possible. Alternate labels are also used, especially in complex templates where more than one type parameter is necessary. "X", "Y", "Foo", "Bar", "Item", "Thing" are typical alternate labels. Many programming languages are case-sensitive, making a consistent choice of labels important. The CamelCase TypeParameter is one of the most commonly used.

See also

*Metasyntactic variable
*Generic programming

External links

* [http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCS/cpp/english/chap17.htm "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist", Chapter 17: Templates]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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