Hashmat Ehsanmand

Hashmat Ehsanmand

Hashmat Ehsanmand, was born into a well educated Persian-Tajik family in Kabul, Afghanistan on 15 July 1978. He was a talented kid, with great hidden potential. Based on his high level of intelligence he started to learn how to write and read when he was only four years old. Fact|date=February 2008

When his father found him capable in learning so, he decided to put him in school before the age of six which was the age required for young children to attend school. But his application to join the school in such an early stage of childhood was refused by the state educational law. However, once he reached the second grade of primary school he started writing poems. Meanwhile, he was taken to Afghanistan TV by his mother, who was working there at that time, to take part in programs for children. He was then selected by some directors to join a film and later by Shafiq Film Production. He appeared in five movies before he had to leave his country, because of ongoing civil war which prevailed all over the country. Due to this, he was forced to immigrate to India.

He joined a Public School there and later to Jamia Millia Islamia University for continuation of his higher studies. At the same time, he joined Laxmi Maha Vedhiale to learn the fundamentals of music. Ustad Yousuf Khan adored his voice. He graduated from Jamia Millia Islamia in 1995 and returned back to his homeland Afghanistan. His first ever public appearance was a concert for refugees of Afghanistan in London in 1998. He received a warm welcome by the crowds and his heart and emotions were touched by extraordinary applause and appreciation, which he hadn't expected as a very young artist. Voluntarily, he performed quite a few concerts.

His very first commercial concert was launched on the 19th day of March 1999, which was a great success. Once again his fame spread everywhere and people were eager to get his latest video album. Also his second concert was in London, on the 20th of March 2000. He was received warmly by his fans as expected.

Soon he was invited to the German city of Bremen, to perform a live concert. He was surrounded by thousands of his fans and he faced another warm welcome. When he sang the last song of the night to say good- night, the crowd appealed for him to keep going, so he continued to perform to the last drop of sweat to meet the demands of his fans. Later in the month, he had another concert in Berlin, as well. He reserved a small hall, thinking that no one knew him, but unlike his personal view, the audiences numbers were steadily increasing, obviously exceeding his low expectations. Best of all the tickets ran out that night, due to high sales.

He was invited to the United States, where he performed two concerts, in New York and Virginia in 2000. Later on, he accomplished a tour with Qader Eshpari and Mariam Wafa in Europe. The first concert was in Amsterdam, which was one of the biggest successes of his life’s career. His second concert was in Hamburg, Germany which was also one of his lifetime achievements. A DVD of the concert will be available, it is called “Tri-stars”. The third concert was in Essen, Germany and as well as in Frankfurt. They were the best performances he achieved during that year for the record. He has five CDs released in the mark.

*"Hashmat Live in concert"
*"Feroza Banu"

Mostly he writes his own lyrics, and composes for himself and for others. Presently he is working on a DVD and on two more CDs which he has not decided the names for yet. He also made the music for the film called "Ayenda". That was yet another masterpiece among his great works. He signed up with a film called "Afghan Girl" with Royan Film.

Currently he lives with his family in London. He is also married.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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