Ramesses IX Tomb-plan Ostracon

Ramesses IX Tomb-plan Ostracon

The Ramesses IX Tomb-plan Ostracon is a buff-white limestone ostracon inscribed with a layout of Ramesses IX's tomb, KV6–Valley of the Kings, from the 20th Dynasty, c 1100 BC. It is inscribed on a sherd of approximate dimensions: 0.66m L (2/3 meter) by 0.2m W, and was found within his KV6 tomb.

The 'blueprint-like' " "tomb-plan" "is not a draft plan of the tomb construction, but is a post-construction record. Notes in Hieratic name rooms, with dimensions. The composition of straight lines, (from a straightedge/device) use mostly 90 degree angles, but the design layout also conforms to the linear shape of the sherd, (thus requiring deviations from the 90 degree right angles).

As a "linear sherd", the ostracon is broken into 4 contiguous pieces. As a dagger-shape, (non-rectangular), this is an atypical usage for ostraca, but the intention was probably durability, its resistance to decay and alteration, (the inks mostly). The "sunken-relief" (bas-relief) lines, are filled with black ink (some spillovers), and some minor inked regions are marked. The hieratic notes are also in black.

The surviving design layout is about 90 percent complete due to loss of micro-chip edges, especially at the break points, and a few larger flakes.

Plan layout sequence

:*Entrance–(and Stairway):*First Corridor–(4 Annexes: 2-right and 2-left):*Second Corridor:*Third Corridor :*Vestibule:*Pillared Hall:*Burial Chamber

ee also

*Ramesses IX
*Valley of the Kings
*Twentieth dynasty of Egypt


"Egypt, from Prehistory to the Romans." Taschen GmbH. 2001. Notes: D Wildng: "Curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin." Photo of ostracon is composed on the Title Page, pg 5. (softcover, ISBN 3-8228-1221-8)
*Siliotti, Alberto. "Guide to the Valley of the Kings." Barnes and Noble. 1997. Identical "Plan View"; also an "Elevation View" down to the 'Burial Chamber'; pgs 68-69.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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