

Infobox Software
name = TinyScheme
logo =

caption =
developer = Dimitrios Souflis, Jonathan S. Shapiro
source_model = free software
latest_release_version = 1.39
latest_release_date = Apr 11, 2008
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Programming language
license = BSD License
website = [http://tinyscheme.sourceforge.net/ tinyscheme.sourceforge.net]

TinyScheme is a free software implementation of the Scheme programming language with a lightweight Scheme interpreter of a subset of the R5RS standard. It is meant to be used as an embedded scripting interpreter for other programs. Much of the functionality in TinyScheme is included conditionally, to allow developers to balance features and size/footprint.

TinyScheme is used by the GNU Image Manipulation Program starting with version 2.4, replacing SIOD.

External links

* [http://tinyscheme.sourceforge.net/ TinyScheme home page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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