Yono Stanley Kevela

Yono Stanley Kevela

Yono Stanley Kevela is a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly of Tanzania. [ [http://www.parliament.go.tz/bunge/bunge.asp Parliament of Tanzania] website ] Kevela was elected during the last Tansanian parliamentary elections in 2005 on the ticket of the governing Chama Cha Mapinduzi party and represents the Njombe West area of the Njombe District of the Iringa Region of the country. [ [http://www.ippmedia.com/ipp/guardian/2005/08/17/47256.html "CCM parliamentary candidates".] IPP Media. August 17, 2005. Accessed September 11, 2008] He has been quoted in the media as speaking in favor of increasing the level of higher education in the Njombe district and against stigmatising people with HIV/AIDS. [Pastory Nguvu. [http://www.ippmedia.com/ipp/guardian/2007/11/29/103261.html "Shortage of professionals major problem facing Njombe - Yono".] IPP Media. November 29, 2007. Accessed September 11, 2008]


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