Ewa Lipska

Ewa Lipska

Ewa Lipska, born October 8, 1945, in Kraków is a Polish poet from the generation of the Polish "New Wave." Collections of her verse have been translated into English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German and Hungarian. She lives in Vienna and Kraków.

According to Adam Mickiewicz Institute: cquote|While her verse may have some connections with politics, it always documents concrete personal experiences without reaching for grand generalizations. As it unmasks the language of propaganda, her poetry also indicates the weaknesses of language in general as an instrument of human perception and communication. [http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_lipska_ewa]



*Wiersze ("Poems"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1967.
*Drugi wybór wierszy ("Second Collection of Poems"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1970.
*Trzeci wybór wierszy ("Third Collection of Poems"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1972.
*Czwarty wybór wierszy ("Fourth Collection of Poems"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1974.
*Piąty wybór wierszy ("Fifth Collection of Poems"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1978.
*Żywa śmierć ("Living Death"). Kraków: WL, 1979.
*Przechowalnia ciemności ("Storage for Darkness"). Warsaw: Przedswit / Warszawska Oficyna Poetów i Malarzy, 1985.
*Strefa ograniczonego postoju ("Limited Standing Zone"). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1990.
*Stypendyści Czasu ("Time's Scholarship Winners"). Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie, 1994.
*Ludzie dla początkujących ("People for Beginners"). Poznań: a5, 1997.
*1999. Kraków: WL, 1999.
*Sklepy zoologiczne ("Pet Shops"). Kraków: WL, 2001

elected translations of poetry by Ewa Lipska

*(English) "Poet? Criminal? Madman?" ("Poems"). London-Boston: Forest Books, 1991.
*(French) "Poemes. Deux poétesses Polonaises contemporaines: Ewa Lipska et Wislawa Szymborska." Mundolsheim: L'Ancrier, 1996.
*(German) "Auf den dächern der mausoleen. Gedichte." Berlin: Oberbaum, 1983.
*"Meine zeit. Mein lieb. Mein. leben. Geditchte." Salzburg, Wien: Residenz, 1990.
*(Danish) "En misantrops ferie." Aarhus: Husets, 1990.

External links

* [http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_lipska_ewa|Essay on Ewa Lipska at www.culture.pl]

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