

Tóth (or sometimes Toth) is a highly common surname in Hungary, meaning "Slav" and later "Slovak" in old Hungarian.

Toth can also mean "Croat", since one of names in Hungarian for the region Slavonia (northern part of Croatia, bordering to Hungary) was "Tothorszag" [ [ eRMK – Elektronikus Régi Magyar Könyvtár^RMNY II_ 1601–1635 ^Mutatók^HELYNÉVMUTATÓ^Sz]
Compare: "Szlavónia (Sclavonia, Thotország, Tootország, Tothorszag, Tótország)"
] .

The surname Toth is also a less common German surname (Tod) which is a variation of the old German work for 'death'. Notable bearers include:
* Alex Toth
* Saint Alexis Toth, a Russian Orthodox priest who served in the United States
* André De Toth
* Andrea Tóth
* Andrew Toth
* Árpád Tóth
* Claudia Toth
* Ed Toth
* Ferenc Tóth (Greco-Roman wrestler)
* Ferenc Tóth (glider aerobatic pilot)
* Jennifer Toth
* Juraj Tóth
* Kaleb Toth
* Kálmán Tóth
* Kevin Toth
* Lazlo Toth (vandal)
* László Fejes Tóth
* Mihály Tóth (1926-1990)
* Mihály Tóth II
* Noémi Tóth, Hungarian-Italian water polo player
* Peter Wolf Toth, American sculptor
* Taylor Toth
* Tiffany Toth

ee also

* Na'Toth, fictional character
* Thoth
* Conner Toth


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