

Webteases are a relatively new form of pornography that combines erotic storytelling with erotic imagery and sometimes other multimedia content like audio [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20041009213451/http://www.web-tease.com/index.php?action=show&tease=8 web tease - free web tease images, captioned images, teasing and denial and orgasm denial webtease ] ] or flash [ [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eTeased/ Yahoo! Groups ] ] . The viewer is always engaged in a form of sexual roleplaying, supported by the storyline.


Webteases were first used in the orgasm denial community around 2000 [Oldest known tease: http://web.archive.org/web/20000603012352/http://www.mybdsm.com/pages/teaseme/kerigan/hotpants1.html] . The form was created by TeaseMePlz (initially just TeaseMe) on the website http://www.mybdsm.com/pages/teaseme/teases.html which was later developed into http://www.orgasmdenial.com. The initial web teases were designed to re-use sample images from amateur porn sites and were used with permission with links or banners back to those sites. The first three models to agree to have their work used this way were Kerigan, Taylor and Megan.

In 2004, Web Girlfriends was launched, which extended the roleplaying beyond a single session by allowing the user to register [ [http://www.webteases.com/ Web-Girlfriends ] ] .

The biggest archive of teases was amongst the community of OrgasmDenial.com, where teases could be posted from 2003-2005. In the end there were over 350 teases posted, but due to the 2257 law that was passed in the USA in 2005 [http://my.execpc.com/~xxxlaw/2257Tables5.24.05.htm] the teases had to be taken down. However, in July 2006 the OD.com webtease archive was reworked by a number of volunteers and a new site was created.This site - called Milovana.com - is now an active community itself with new teases being posted on a constant basis, and now holds the largest number of teases to date. [ [http://www.milovana.com/webteases Milovana.com - Webteases - Browsing ] ] .

Typical roleplaying themes

In theory the genre would not be limited by any specific theme. But in practice there are some recurring themes in many webteases.
* Femdom - By the nature of the genre the pictures mostly show dominant women that give instructions.
* Erotic sexual denial - As the term webtease suggests, most of the time the viewer is not allowed to orgasm before he reaches the end of the tease if at all.
* Erotic humiliation - The viewer is asked to perform a humiliating act in front of his computer.
* Cuckolding
* Cock and ball torture

Related forms

* Captioned Images are very similar to webteases, only that the text is written onto the image itself.


External links

* [http://www.orgasmdenial.com Orgasmdenial.com]
* [http://www.milovana.com/webteases Milovana.com Webteases]
* [http://www.webtease.net/ webtease.net]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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