

A convertiplane is an aircraft that converts in flight to change the method to obtain lift,[1] and is capable of vertical take-off and landing.[2] The most common example uses a standard wing in horizontal flight and proprotors for takeoff and landing;[1][2] the proprotors could be in a tilt rotor or tilt wing configuration in which case a fairly complicated tilt mechanism is required. An engine failure could be disastrous even in the case of twin rotor configuration,[3] similarly to helicopters.

In most cases gyroplanes and compound helicopters use the same primary method of lift generation throughout flight, without any conversion, so they are not regarded convertiplanes.

Convertiplanes were devised only occasionally in the course of aviation history. In 1950s the concept gained brief attention in United States as an intended improvement of helicopters, but the experimental McDonnell XV-1[2] and Bell XV-3[2] did not enter production. As of 2011, United States military uses V-22 Osprey tiltrotor that indirectly derives from XV-3.

See also


  1. ^ a b Engineers, Society of Automotive (1957). SAE transactions. pp. 150–151. 
  2. ^ a b c d Magazines, Hearst (1954-06). Popular Mechanics. pp. 118–123. 
  3. ^ Dictionary : V/STOL_Technology

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