Eytan Gilboa

Eytan Gilboa

Dr. Gilboa is a visiting professor at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy in Los Angeles and is Professor of Communication and Government, Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel.


Eytan Gilboa is professor of communication and government, Director of the PhD Program in communication, Senior Research Associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, and faculty member of the Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, all at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He is a world-known expert on international communication and U.S. Policy in the Middle East.


In 2002 Dr. Gilboa won the Shorenstein Fellowship and was a Senior Research Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In 2001 he won the Best Article Award of the International Communication Association awarded for the best article published in scholarly periodicals in communication.


Dr. Gilboa is the author and editor of several books including Media and International Conflict, (forthcoming 2006), Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Policy Making, Shaping Opinions (2002), The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Sources, Evolution, and Prospects for Resolution (1993), The United States and Israel (1993), American Public Opinion toward Israel and the Arab Israeli Conflict (1987), Structure and Process in the Arab-Israeli Conflict (1981), and Simulation of Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East (1980).


Gilboa's articles have been published in many leading scholarly periodicals in communication and political science including "Communication Theory", "Journal of Communication", "Critical Studies in Media Communication", "Political Communication", "Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics", "Gazette", "Political Communication and Persuasion", "Public Opinion", "Political Science Quarterly", "Presidential Studies Quarterly", "Orbis", "Journal of Peace Research", "International Negotiation", "Journal of Applied Behavioral Science", "Georgetown Journal of International Affairs", "Middle East Review", and "The Yale Review.

He has been editor, producer and moderator of current affairs and documentary programs on radio stations in Israel and has served as commentator on several television channels. He has also appeared on CNN International, BBC World, Fox News, ABC News Nightline, PBS's News Hour, Al-Jazeera, and ITN, England, ZDF Germany, RAI (Italy), and CBC Canada. He contributed articles and interviews to many newspapers including "The New York Times", "International Herald Tribune", "Wall Street Journal", "The Washington Post", "Los Angeles Times", "Newsweek", "Time", "Christian Science Monitor", "Politiken" (Copenhagen), "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (Frankfurt), "The Australian" (Sydney), "Globo" (Rio de Janeiro), "Yomiuri Shimbun" and "Asahi Shimbun" (Tokyo).

Prof. Gilboa has served as a consultant to the Israeli Prime Minister Office and the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, and was Academic Director of International Studies at the National Defense College of the Israeli Defense Forces. He also was a member of the Committee for Higher Education of the City of Jerusalem. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Hebrew University and received his M.A. and Ph. D. degrees in government from Harvard University. Dr. Gilboa has taught at the Hebrew University and has been a visiting professor in several leading American and European universities. He was the founding chair or director of several academic units including the Behavioral Simulation Laboratory at the Hebrew University, the Center for Advanced Studies at Ramat-Gan College, and the Department of Social Sciences at the Holon Institute of Technology. He also was the Director of the Four Year Program at the Rothberg International School, the Hebrew University.

External links

* [http://uscpublicdiplomacy.com USC Center on Public Diplomacy]
* [http://www.biu.ac.il/ Bar-Ilan University]

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