My traceroute

My traceroute

mtr or My traceroute is a computer program which combines the functionality of the traceroute and ping programs in a single network diagnostic tool.

mtr probes routers on the route path by limiting the number of hops individual packets may traverse, and listening to responses of their expiry. It will regularly repeat this process, usually once per second, and keep track of the response times of the hops along the path.


mtr is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and it works under modern Unix-like operating systems. It normally works under the text console, but it also has an optional GTK+-based graphical interface.

mtr relies on ICMP Time Exceeded (type 11) packets coming back from routers, or ICMP Echo Reply packets when the packets have hit their destination host.

The tool is often used for network troubleshooting. By showing a list of routers traversed, and the average round-trip time as well as packet loss to each router, it allows the user to identify links between two particular routers responsible for certain fractions of the overall latency or packet loss through the network. This can help identify network over utilization problems.


My traceroute [v0.71] Sun Mar 25 00:07:50 2007Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit Packets PingsHostname %Loss Rcv Snt Last Best Avg Worst 1. 0% 11 11 1 1 1 2 2. ae-31-51.ebr1.Chicago1.Level3.n 19% 9 11 3 1 7 14 3. 0% 11 11 7 1 7 14 4. 19% 9 11 19 18 23 31 5. 28% 8 11 22 18 24 30 6. ge-3-0-0-53.gar1.Washington1.Le 0% 11 11 18 18 20 36 7. 0% 10 10 19 19 19 19 8. 0% 10 10 19 18 32 106 9. 0% 10 10 19 18 19 19


The original mtr program was written by Matt Kimball in 1997. It was formerly named "Matt's Traceroute" because of that. Roger Wolff took over maintenance of mtr in October 1998. Numerous people made contributions (they are listed in the "AUTHORS" file which is part of the software distribution).


In Microsoft Windows, a new utility, pathping, was introduced with Windows NT, combining ping and traceroute functionality in a somewhat similar way.

See also

* Traceroute
* Ping, fping

External links

* [ MTR] , BitWizard's MTR page with Unix downloads.
* [ WinMTR] , a GUI compilation of mtr for Microsoft Windows OS's.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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