

Kokoretsi is a traditional dish of the Balkans and Anatolia consisting mainly of seasoned lamb or goat offal. Recipes usually include chopped intestines, sweetbreads, hearts, lungs and/or kidneys, marinated in lemon, olive oil and oregano, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Among Greeks, it is traditionally consumed at Easter, though it is available year-round.


The word 'kokoretsi' (κοκορέτσι) comes from the Albanian "kokorets". [Γ. Μπαμπινιώτης (Babiniotis), Λεξικό της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Athens, 1998]


First, the heart, kidneys, lungs and any other organs used are cleaned thoroughly and cut into medium sized pieces. They are then put onto a spit in the form of a large souvlaki and seasoned. After that, the small intestine is wrapped around the spit used to partially cover the meat skewered. The kokoretsi is then ready to roast over charcoal.

Gardoumpa is a variant of kokoretsi, but roasted in a pan in an oven, instead of an open fire.

Food Industry

Many Greek tavernas serve kokoretsi. Due to the mad cow disease outbreak in the late 90's, banning the consumption of the animals' offal was considered. However, due to the importance of kokoretsi in Greek tradition, the idea was abandoned.

ee also

* Kokoreç, a similar Turkish dish.


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