
Type Daily newspaper
Format Broadsheet
Owner Pivovarna Laško
Publisher Delo d.d.
Editor Romana Dobnikar Šeruga
Founded 1959
Headquarters Slovenia
Circulation 155,000
Official website Official website

Delo (English: Labour) is the largest national daily newspaper in Slovenia. It was established on May 1st, 1959, when two newspapers Ljudska pravica (The People's Right) and Slovenski poročevalec (The Slovenian Reporter) merged. Nowadays, it is the most influential and credible daily newspaper in Slovenia. For more that 50 years it has been involved in active co-creation of the Slovenian public space. It informs, guides and inspires the Slovene readers on a wide array of topics, such as political, economical, cultural and social events. It is the first choice newspaper of opinion leaders.


Delo's publisher

Daily newspaper Delo is published by media house Delo. Through its wide array of content, the company reaches various segments of consumers on print, web, mobile and tablet platforms. This way, its content is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and every day in the year. A mixture of different media, such as the tabloid Slovenske novice, bimonthly cultural newspaper Pogledi and various supplements, allows users to decide where and when to engage with an individual newspaper and its editions.

Delo's supplements

At present it has the following weekly supplements:

  • Posel&Denar on economy and markets (Mondays)
  • Ona ("She") women's supplement (Tuesdays)
  • Delo in dom ("Work and Home") about housekeeping (Wednesdays)
  • Polet ("Flight" or "Enthusiasm/Drive") about recreation and free time (Thursdays)
  • Vikend ("Weekend"), TV guide with additional entertainment news (Fridays)
  • Sobotna priloga ("The Saturday Supplement"), a weekly supplement with commentaries, analysis and features on current events (Saturdays)
  • Odprta kuhinja ("Open Kitchen"), Food guide (Sundays)

Delo publishes a special Sunday edition, Nedelo ("Idleness"; Nedelo is a play on words since Nedelja is Slovene for Sunday), in a smaller and bound (stapled) format.

Delo has published The New York Times International Weekly on Fridays since 2009. This 8-page supplement features a selection of English-language articles from The New York Times.

Delo on digital platforms

Delo publishes its content on its website, on mobile platform, on ipad and on android

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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