Reframing (NLP)

Reframing (NLP)

Reframing is a technique in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) where an undesirable behavior or trait is conferred a positive intention. Alternatives to satisfy the positive intent are found, followed by negotiations with (parts of) self to resolve conflict, check for ecology and to implement the new behavior. Reframing can also be used in NLP to describe changing the context or representation of a problem. More precisely, one of the most effective techniques for achieving almost any desired change in NLP is the "six step re-frame".

In psychotherapy, after irrational beliefs have been identified the therapist will often work with the client by challenging negative thoughts on the basis of evidence, reframing experiences in a more realistic or positive light. This can help clients to develop more rational beliefs and healthy coping strategies.

Reframing occurs in life regardless of NLP, and is a common means by which meanings get created and lost in various situations, either deliberately or by happenstance.

A bestselling author, motivational speaker, and practitioner of NLP wrote, "A signal has meaning only in the frame or context in which we perceive it." [Anthony Robbins, "Unlimited Power" (New York: Ballantine, 1987) 291.] For example, if a person is resting in bed and hears his bedroom door open, that exact same noise will have two totally different meanings to him and evoke drastically different reactions depending on whether (1) he is alone in a locked house, or (2) he had previously invited his friend over and left the back door to his house unlocked. According to the author,

[I] f we perceive something as a liability, that's the message we deliver to our brain. Then the brain produces states that make it a reality. If we change our frame of reference by looking at the same situation from a different point of view, we can change the way we respond in life. We can change our representation or perception about anything and in a moment change our states and behaviors. This is what reframing is all about. [Robbins 291.]


For example, say a university or college student breaks his leg during summer vacation. He is crestfallen, because he can no longer play tennis and golf with his family and friends. A few days later, he realizes that he now has the quiet, alone time to learn how to play the guitar, something he had always wanted to do but had been too busy to attempt. He then discovers he has a great aptitude for music and becomes a decent guitar player by summer's end. One year later, he changes his major to music. After graduation he embarks on a successful music career. Years later, his friends recall how unfortunate his leg fracture was that summer, and he says, "Breaking my leg was the best thing that ever happened to me!" From then on, whenever he is disabled by injury or illness, he recalls the lesson and is far less despondent over his temporary disability than he otherwise would have been, as he takes the opportunity to do something novel.

ix Step Reframe

The Six-Step Reframe is an NLP technique used to replace an unwanted behavior or bad habit with a more desirable one - while keeping the benefits, or secondary gain, of the old behavior.

NLP presupposes that "every behavior has a positive intention," and that any undesirable behavior a person has will also have a positive benefit behind it (often unconsciously).

The Six-Step Reframe uses a mild trance state, negotiation, and creativity from unconscious resources to change the "part" that's causing the behavior.

1. Identify the behavior to change

2. Set up signals with the part causing the behavior

3. Identify the positive intention behind the behavior

4. Generate a number of possible alternative behaviors which will equally satisfy the sameintent

5. Choose the favored three replacement behaviors

6. Check to see if there is any other internal conflict regarding the change.

Context reframing

The meaning of any behaviour or event exists only in relationship to the context in which it occurs.

Every behaviour is appropriate in some context. With a context reframe a person takes the disliked behaviour and asks, "Where could this behaviour be useful?" or "In what other context would this particular behaviour be of value?"

A context reframe leaves the meaning of a behaviour the same and shows how it could be a useful response in a different context.

For example:

A: "I procrastinate all the time; I just can't get things done."
B: "That's a great skill to have; especially when you apply it to overeating - just put off having that second helping. Lucky you."

Value reframing

In brand management and marketing terms value reframing means giving a new value to a product/service by finding a new market/context.


ee also

*Therapeutic metaphor
*Milton H. Erickson


*Bandler, Richard; "Reframing: NLP And The Transformation Of Meaning" 1983; Paperback
*Andreas, Steve & Faulkner, Charles; "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement by NLP Comprehensive" Feb 19, 1996; paperback
*Ellerton, Roger PhD CMC; "Live Your Dreams... Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You" Jul 6, 2006; paperback

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