Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes, and Little Men's Chowder & Marching Society

Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes, and Little Men's Chowder & Marching Society

The Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes, and Little Men's Chowder & Marching Society was the fraternal organization frequented by Mr. O’Malley, the fairy godfather in Crockett Johnson’s daily comic strip Barnaby. The actual locale of the ELGLMC&MS, as it was often referred to in the comic strip , was never seen in the strip itself, but was known to be the favorite gathering spot for all the so-called imaginary creatures featured in Barnaby. Other ELGLMC&MS members, such as McSnoyd the invisible leprechaun and Atlas the diminutive mental giant often turned up to regale Barnaby with tales of the short-comings of Mr. O’Malley, who was regarded by his fellow little men as something of a windbag. It was from the ELGLMC&MS that O’Malley launched his successful campaign for the US Congress.

The name was adopted by a science fiction fan organization.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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