

Xtube is an adult video hosting service, which allows unregistered and registered users to share adult video content with others. Among other things, the terms of use of xtube.com state that users must be 18 years of age or older. [cite web | title= Xtube terms of use - age info | url= http://wiki.xtube.com/index.php?title=Terms_of_Use&action=purge#3._Website_Access]

Xtube claims that it has over two million registered users and an Alexa Internet traffic rank of 194. [cite web | title= Xtube Statistics and Growth | url= http://wiki.xtube.com/index.php?title=XTube&action=purge#Statistics_and_Growth] [cite web | title= Alexa stats for xtube | url= http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?url=xtube.com] Xtube's main competitors are PornCor and YouPorn. [cite web | title= Pornotube Alexa stats | url= http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?url=pornotube.com] [ [http://siteanalytics.compete.com/youporn.com+pornotube.com+xtube.com/ SnapShot of youporn.com (rank #656), pornotube.com (#1,833), xtube.com (#1,329) - Compete ] ] Xtube distinguishes itself from its competitors by hosting a wiki engine on its site called "Xtube Sex Wiki". [ [http://wiki.xtube.com Main Page - XTube Wiki ] ] Xtube was reportedly the first site to allow uploading of home-made adult content to a web site. [cite web | title= http://www.adwordsadsensetools.com | url= http://www.adwordsadsensetools.com/xTube-Porn-2.html] Previously such content had to be shared either via Usenet newsgroups or via peer to peer file sharing networks.

Xtube also in 2007/2008 released a page called XTube WebCam Models to allow viewers to watch live sex and masturbation on the website for a fee.

According to Xtube itself, there are 6,155,774 registered users on the site.


External links

* [http://www.xtube.com XTube.com]
* [http://www.itwire.com/content/view/12146/53/ XTube sags under weight of own success]
* [http://www.itwire.com/content/view/10676/53/ YouTube porn rival scores 2 million members]
* [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2006/11/02/violetblue.DTL GooTube's Porn]

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