Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society

Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society

infobox Organization
name = 香港業餘電台聯會
Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society

image_border =
size = 200px
caption =

msize =
mcaption =
abbreviation = HARTS
motto =
formation =
extinction =
type = Non-profit organization
status =
purpose = Advocacy, Education
headquarters =
location = Hong Kong, China
region_served = Hong Kong
membership =
language = English, Cantonese
leader_title = President
leader_name = Sunny Chan VR2XGE
main_organ =
affiliations = International Amateur Radio Union
num_staff =
budget =
website = http://www.harts.org.hk/
remarks =

The Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (HARTS) (in traditional Chinese, 香港業餘電台聯會) is a non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in Hong Kong, China. HARTS was established in the 1930s, when the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong was a dependent territory of the United Kingdom. The organization's primary mission is to popularize and promote amateur radio in Hong Kong. HARTS operates and maintains beacons and repeaters at Tai Mo Shan, Tate's Cairn, Victoria Peak, and Tin Shui Wai. The organization has provided communications support for charitable groups and events, and has formed a suopport network for amateur radio emergency communications. One membership benefit of the organization is a QSL bureau for members who regularly make communications with amateur radio operators in other countries.Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (2008). [http://www.harts-web.org/Joomla_1_0_7/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=28&lang=en "About HARTS"] . Retrieved Aug. 5, 2008.] HARTS is the member society representing Hong Kong in the International Amateur Radio Union.International Amateur Radio Union (2008). [http://www.iaru.org/iaru-soc.html "Member Societies"] . Retrieved Aug. 1, 2008.]

See also

*Associação dos Radioamadores de Macau
*Chinese Radio Sports Association
*Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League


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