Association scheme

Association scheme

In mathematics, association schemes are structures that appear in many different forms in the fields of combinatorics and statistics.


Recall that a binary relation R on a set X can be thought of as subset of X imes X.

A "k-class Association Scheme" is a set of points, "X", along with "k+1" binary relations R_0,R_1,ldots,R_kwhich partition X imes X and R_0 = {(x,x) | x in X} (i.e. R_0 is the identity relation), such that the following holds:

There exist (k+1)^3 non-negative integers p_{ij}^l with 0 le i,j,l le k and for any (x,y) in R_l thereare exactly p_{ij}^l elements z in X such that (x,z) in R_i and (z,y) in R_j

An association scheme is "commutative" if p_{ij}^l=p_{ji}^l for all i, j and l. Most authorsassume this property.

A "symmetric association scheme" is one in which each relation R_i is a symmetric relation. Every symmetric association scheme is commutative.


*If (x,y) in R_i we say that x and y are "i"th associates.
*The numbers p_{ij}^l are called the parameters of the scheme.

Basic Facts

*p_{00}^0 = 1, i.e. if (x,y) in R_0 then x = y and the only z such that (x,z) in R_0 is z=x
*sum_{i=0}^{k} p_{ii}^0 = |X|, this is because the R_i partition X.


*The "Johnson scheme", denoted "J"("v,k"), is defined as follows. Let "S" be a set with "v" elements. The points of the scheme "J(v,k)" are the {v choose k} subsets of S with "k" elements. Two "k"-element subsets "A", "B" of "S" are "i" th associates when their intersection has size "k − i".

*The "Hamming scheme", denoted "H"("n,q"), is defined as follows. The points of "H(n,q)" are the "qn" ordered "n"-tuples over a set of size "q". Two "n"-tuples "x, y" are said to be "i" th associates if they disagree in exactly "i" coordinates. E.g., if "x" = (1,0,1,1), "y" = (1,1,1,1), "z" = (0,0,1,1), then "x" and "y" are 1st associates, "x" and "z" are 1st associates and "y" and "z" are 2nd associates in "H(4,2)".

*A distance-regular graph, "G", forms an association scheme by defining two vertices to be "i" th associates if their distance is "i".

*A finite group G yields an association scheme on X=G, with a class "R""g" for each group element, as follows: for each g in G let R_g={(x,y) | x=g*y} where * is the group operation. The class of the group identity is "R"0. This association scheme is commutative if and only if G is abelian.


* Bailey, R.A. (2004), "Association Schemes: Designed Experiments, Algebra and Combinatorics". Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-82446-X
* Delsarte, P. (1973), "An Algebraic Approach to the Association Schemes of Coding Theory". Philips Research Reports, Supplement No. 10.
* van Lint, J.H., and Wilson, R.M. (1992), "A Course in Combinatorics". Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-00601-5

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