Alpha blocker

Alpha blocker

Alpha blockers (or adrenergic alpha-antagonists) are agents that act as antagonists of alpha adrenergic receptors. [MeshName|alpha-Adrenergic+Blockers]


They can be divided into two classes.
* Alpha-1 blockers - act at alpha-1 adrenergic receptors
* Alpha-2 blockers - act at alpha-2 adrenergic receptors

When the term "alpha blocker" is used without further qualification, it sometimes refers to alpha-1 blockers, and sometimes refers to agents that act at both types of receptors.

The agents carvedilol and labetalol are alpha blockers and beta blockers.


Alpha blockers can be used in the treatment of several conditions, such as scleroderma. [cite web |url= |title=Alpha blockers - |format= |work= |accessdate=]


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