

Bélo (born October 29, 1979) is the stage name of Jean Bélony Murat, who is a famous Haitian interpreter, compositor and guitarist. His first album "Lakou trankil" ("quiet streets") is really treasured by the Haitian public because the songs explain and reflect the problems the country confronts. Although poorly known in the English-speaking world, he is popular in Europe and Africa where he won the Discovery RFI Prime in April 2006. By the way, this reward already helped other artists like Tiken Jah Fakoly and Rokia Traoré to reveal their talent in the music industry. His musical approach is influenced by other Caribbean styles but mostly by jazz and reggae.


Jean Bélony Murat was born on October 29, 1979 at Croix des Bouquet in the North of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. He grew up at Petion Ville a wonderful area where music has an important role in the Haitian community. He started to sing at a very young age and at 11 years old interpreted Buju Banton, his idol. In 1994, he and his friend formed the Mega Boys which wasn’t very widespread. In 1997, he met Fabrice Rouzier and San two artists who discovered his talent and encouraged him to play an instrument. At first, he choosed the bass but changed it later to the guitar. He knew that music could not be his only occupation if he wants to please his entourage. He went to university in 2001 where he studied accounting for four years. Then, he was ready to sacrifice his life to music and release his first album in 2005.


After "Lakou trankil", the first album that made a lot of success locally and internationally, Bélo came with "Reference". The latest is also close to reggae and has a touch of pop and jazz. He exposed the social problems of the humankind such as violence, aids and homeless children. In other words, Bélo is an ambassador of the Haitian music; he shows love and affection for his homeland. In his songs he is making them aware of their problems and tries to propose a solution.


*Singer of the Haitian nationality
*Bélo, artiste 100% haïtien
*Ambiance à Douala


* [ http://www.afrik.com/article11637] compiled on 07/02/08http://www.afrik.com/article14556.html
* [ [http://www.afrik.com/article14556.html Bélo, la musique au service d'Haïti : « C'est pour dire au monde ce que mon pays signifie pour moi » - Musique - France - Caraïbes - Afrique ] ] compiled on 07/02/08http://www.rfimusique.com/musiquefr/articles/086/article_16759.asp
* [ [http://www.rfimusique.com/musiquefr/articles/086/article_16759.asp RFI Musique - Reportage - Bélo à Paris ] ] compiled on 07/02/08http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokia_Traor%C3%A9
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokia_Traor%C3%A9]

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