Les Carbonades Flamandes

Les Carbonades Flamandes

Les Carbonades Flamandes (Sometimes " 'Carbonnade à la flamande' " [http://principiagastronomica.com/post/21 Principa Gastronomica - Carbonnade Flamande] (accessed 22/06/2008)] ) (in Dutch " 'Vlaamse Stoverij' " or " 'Vlaamse stoofkarbonade' ") is a traditional Belgian sweet-sour beef and onion stew made with beer, and seasoned with thyme and bay.

The beer of choice is important, and traditionally an Oud bruin, Brune Abbey beer or Flanders brown is the beer of choice with a somewhat bitter-sour flavour."Van Waerebeek, R.", Everybody Eats Well in Belgium Cookbook (1996), ISBN 1563054116.] In addition to this and to enhance the sweet-sour flavour, just before serving, it has a small amount of cider or wine vinegar and either brown sugar or redcurrent jelly stirred in. [http://kikitoul.canalblog.com/archives/2006/06/23/2156664.html Canalblog-Recipe Carbonade Flamande] "(french)" (accessed 22/06/2008)]

It is often accompanied by "frites" or boiled potatoes. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/lescarbonadesflamand_85456.shtml BBC Recipe Database - Carbonnade Flamande] (accessed 22/06/2008)]

The Term "Carbonade" may also refer to a dish of grilled pork loin and certain beef stews cooked with red wine in the south of France. [Larousse Gastronomique 2001, ISBN 978-0600602354] , but is more commonly associated with the belgian dish.


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