

Gerarchia (Italian: "Hierarchy") was the official magazine of fascism. A fondarla, in 1922, was the same Benito Mussolini. The circle of collaborators of the magazine has always been "a number": its components were always ossequienti ideas mussoliniane. Among them is annoveravano the historian Joachim Volpe, the painter and poet novecentista Ardengo Soffici, the historian and jurist Arrigo Solmi, the journalist Margherita Sarfatti, publicist Ciarlantini Franco, the literary critic Lorenzo Giusso.

In February 1922 the number of "Gerarchia" Mussolini wrote a long essay - "From that part goes the world" - in which appears angustiato a doubt amletico, symptomatic dell'indeterminatezza programmatic fascist movement recently became the National Fascist Party. In this article he expresses the conviction that the steering to the right in Europe is a guideline intended to last and distinguish the new century than the past. In this scenario fascism will be the instrument of the restoration of order and discipline. It will "plug in the trunk of certain hierarchies new elements of life; ... prepare for the advent of new hierarchies" ( "Gerarchia", in January'22). The message of the magazine was that the renewal of Italian society had to draw on the anti-traditionalism to which fascism was reoriented, with regard to its substantial and original sovversivismo to become the instrument through which Mussolini could emerge as a winner by comparison with the revolutionary trend .

Create so the myth of person, closely linked with the myth and destiny of fascism, and that gives rise mussolinismo who assumes different connotations in the sphere of images, with names first political head of government, then Duce of fascism and Following mythical as lUomo New, lUomo of Providence.

The number of January the following year, in the "second time", Mussolini loves defined, so reassuring, as head of government, who has been able to conquer the state at the right moment in history, not to destroy but to renew and fascistizzarlo .

The article signed by Nicholas Giani:

Because we are the mystics It was absurd for the warm and for pavidi the march on Rome? For the pessimists and for ragionatori were not equally absurd victory against 52 Member sanzionisti and the conquest of Ethiopia? It was equally absurd for short-sighted, the triumph of the new Spain? (...). These absurd Mussolini has accustomed us for twenty years, these absurd today is soaked the soul of us all (...). History, that with them capital, has been and will always be an absurd: the absurdity of the spirit and the will that bends and wins the matter, namely mysticism. Fascism = Spirit Mysticism = = = Victory Combat believe because we can not if you are not mystics, we can not fight if you do not believe, marching and we can not win if you do not fight. " But between 1925 and 1930, when fascism ceases to be ideological preparation and crystallizes as a duty of obedience and I think "blind and absolute", fascism and mussolinismo become a mystic. And while ideology has dragged confusedly, fascism "Hierarchy" tends precisely to outcomes mystics to propagate large dreams of greatness and make history. Mussolini is the Head and, on "hierarchy", was exalted as the 'Man of Providence,' New Man, the Demiurge fascist, the Prince of Youth, the Duce or just DUX. The gestures of Duce are defined as "inspired" and its sentences are venerated oracolari up to profess dogmatic devotion to his word as the sole source of truth, culture and history.

In 1939 is published on "Gerarchia" an article by Nicholas Giani, a university lecturer, conductor and founder in 1930 of the School of mystical fascist (the school organizes courses mussolinismo imperial and lecturae Ducis) entitled "Why we are mystics" who basa on the logic completely irrational belief quia absurdum:

In this way, "Gerarchia", which was founded as a magazine of "fascist thinking" shows - according to many - the inconsistency of its director and its collaborators.

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