Triple manifestation

Triple manifestation

Triple manifestation is a Theosophical or neo-Theosophical comparative theological & cosmological term meaning a divine triad typically of unmanifest (transcendent) feminine, semi-manifest (immanent but also called transcendent) masculine (immanent from the spiritual somewhere to the material world,) and manifest 'son' [Mary Scott, Kundalini in The Physical World, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983, ISBN 0-7100-9417-5] [Helena Petrona Blavatsky (1893 - 1897), The Secret Doctrine, London Theosophical Pub. House, 1893-97, ISBN 0-900-588-74-8] (also a generic term for daughter, included in fourfold manifestation) such as the Trimurti (of which there are also 3 versions,) a trinity (unless capitalized, short for triple manifestation,) Yin-Yang-Tao, and in Egyptian Amenism, Amenet-Amen-Chons.

Triple manifestations are defined as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Logos (Word) as described above.

Triple Manifestations in World Religions

=Egyptian monotheism=

Atenism was the original Egyptian monotheism, but it initially included Amenite philosophy. In that, Amenet-/Mut-Amen-Chons is the trinity of the Egyptian primordial goddess Amenet (as the non-primordial Mut,) the primordial sun-god Amen-Re-Atum, and their son Chons. Since two are primordial or primary, this monad (triad as a whole) is a triple Logos. If Amenism was not the oldest Egyptian religion, Chons, though of course not materially immanent, may be slightly different than the Thesophical definition of trinity which is on the 3 highest planes (metaphysics). Amenet and Amen in their exoteric anthropomorphic definition as elementals ( [etheric unless ideal forms of elements) are also not a Theosophical trinity.


The trinity Yin-Yang-Tao, or perhaps more accurately stated Tao duad of yin-yang, is represented in the t'ai chi tu. Tao is divinity and probably cosmic, but yin-yang (femininity-masculinity) are considered cosmic ideas that without which Tao is not complete (or without which the son, 3rd Logos, arguably Tao, does not exist.) This may be true in Taoism, but in Chinese Christianity, Tao is written for 'God' so maybe not 'Christ' in the "Bible".


A most esoteric Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) trinity (several are esoteric,) clearly defines the Theosophical definition of trinity in Greek. That is important because Theosophy is a Western system of Eastern thought including science, at least theology but also often greatly touching on concrete/empirical sciences such as cosmology, astronomy, chemistry (or alchemy in the day,) geology, biology, and (very empirical) psychology. From Greek it is called the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd existences of the Logos, i.e. (simply) Word. The 1st Hindu trinity, i.e. Trimurti is Nara-Nari-Viradj. A general discription of trimurtis is Vach/Mulaprakriti-Shabdha-/Nada-brahman-Ishvara. Vac is speech (Mulaprakriti is another sacred name and different definition/description of the same noumenon,) Shabdha-/Nada-brahman is the divine sound Aum/pranava, and Ishvara is masculine like the latter, but manifest in (divine non-material) eide/rupa/form (Sanskrit/Gk./English) rather than rupa/formlessness (Sanskrit/English) i.e. eide sustema (Gk., system of forms, arguably formlessness,) the latter of which may actually be an approximation of ideas beyond those in exoteric Platonism, though Plato himself and arguably neo-Platonists understood the term without approximation. Ishvara, or 'Lord,' though a title for any god, is a sacred name definition of the Lord Krishna avatar of Vishnu in the context the person Vishnu-Krishna is transpersonally Shabdha-/Nada-brahman-Ishvara. Ishvara from Shabdha-/Nada-brahman (a translation of 'God' to Sanskrit) also applies to Lord Siddhartha from the cosmic Buddha and Lord Jesus from Amen/El Shaddai/Jehovah. A lesser well-known trimurti is Agni-Vayu-Surya. The well-known Hindu trimurti is Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva which has feminine-masculine-son qualities with Brahma being feminine (like Brahman, unmanifest creator) and the other two often being argued about which came first for most of known history. One Hindu trinity is Shakti-Shiva-Ganesha/Skanda (dual son.)


The Judaist trinity is Ain Soph-Ain Soph Aur-Demiurgos, and there is likely one similar to that of Shakti & Shiva with Shekhinah and El Shaddai.


The trinity "The" Trinity Logos Theios-Theos-Christos (Greek, Holy Spirit-Father-Christos, here listed in places of feminine-masculine-son, not necessarily meaning a certain order of manifestation which is typically considered different, though in that case Father is personal--semi-manifest--2nd Logos in closeness and strength of influence to the world, and Holy Spirit is not necessarily manifest, so is unmanifest--1st Logos--farthest from directly influencing the world) is often considered completely masculine, except the Theos has femininity and Holy Spirit is a synonym for Shekhinah or Ain-Soph. El, Eloh, El Shaddai, which Elohim is related to, are ancient Judaic sacred names for the Theos, though the typical modern more often used name is Jah or Jehovah. The latter, of which closer spellings are 'Yahweh' and 'YHVH' (autiots also said to represent fourfold manifestation) means 'the eternal one,' and also 'male-female:' Jah is the male syllable, vah or hawweh, female. Those 2 or 3 syllables are more exoteric names of Logos Theios - Theos. Elah is an ancient or esoteric name for Shekhinah, Matronit, or Logos Theois--Holy Spirit. Pharisees or Saducees may not have considered Shekhinah Matronit, but Essenes such as Ebionites, Nazareans, Therapeutae do. In any case the other definition is still Thea (which can be called Theos' femininity,) in which case Ain-Soph may be considered the separate Holy Spirit.


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