Heikki Kirkinen

Heikki Kirkinen

Heikki Kirkinen (22 september 1927 in Kuusjärvi), is a professor in history at Joensuu University. He has been a visiting professor in the Finnish language, literature and culture at Sorbonne 1966–1970.

Kirkinen has written many books about the Carelian history and the Carelian identity. One of his main interests is music; he has studied musicology and even composed music.


* "Les origines de la conception moderne de l'hommemachine" (1960)
* "Le monde kalévaléen en France et en Finlande" (1987, with Jean Perrot)
* "Informatique et développement des régions marginales" (1988, editor)
* "Protection and development of our intangible heritage" (1999, editor)
* "Karjala idän kulttuuripiirissä", 1963
* Karjala taistelukenttänä, ("Karjala idän ja lännen välissä", II), 1976, ISBN 951-9254-0-8
* "Bysantin perinne ja Suomi", ISBN 951-9071-87-3
* "Termiitti vai enkeli, ajatuksia kulttuurievoluutiosta", SKS (2002)
* "Pohjois-Karjalan kalevaisen perinteen juuret", 1988, ISBN 951-717-506-X


* "Uppslagsverket Finland", 3 (2005)

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