Aemilius Papinianus

Aemilius Papinianus

Infobox Military Person
name= Aemilius Papinianus
lived= 142–212
placeofbirth= Syria
placeofdeath= Rome

allegiance= Roman Empire
serviceyears= 205–212
rank= Praetorian prefect
unit= Praetorian Guard

Aemilius Papinianus (142–212), also known as Papinian, was a celebrated Roman jurist, "magister libellorum" and, after the death of Gaius Fulvius Plautianus in 205, praetorian prefect.


Little is known about Papinianus. He was perhaps of Syrian birth, for he is said to have been a kinsman of Septimus Severus' second wife, Julia Domna. A dubious passage in the "Augustan History" claims that he studied law with Severus under Quintus Cervidius Scaevola.

Papinianus was an intimate friend of the emperor Severus and accompanied him to Britain. Before his death the emperor commended his two sons Caracalla and Geta into his charge. Papinian tried to keep peace between the brothers, but with no better result than to encourage the hatred of Caracalla to which he felt victim in the general slaughter of Geta's friends which followed the fratricide of 212. The author of the 1911 "Encyclopædia Britannica" article states that the details of Papinianus' death "are variously related, and have undergone legendary embellishment."

His output was small compared to other jurists such as Ulpian or Paul. The principal works of Papinianus include: "Quaestiones" in 37 books (written before 198); "Responsa" (written sometime between 204 and his death); "Definitiones"; and "De adulteriis".


In the Law of Citations (426) he is classed with Gaius, Paulus, Modestinus and Ulpian as one of the five jurists whose recorded views were considered decisive. The former are cited also as primary sources of the Codex Civilis of Theodosius II and Justinian. His view was to prevail if the other four were not congruent.



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